Friday, April 6, 2018

Everything is cool.

So there is a spaghetti supper benefit this coming Saturday that some amazing people have put together for Cady. There are tons of door prizes that have been donated by dozens of local businesses to be raffled off. There will be live Blues music, open-mic so anyone can join. It really is an amazing little community here. 

A couple friends have organized an online Pampered Chef party that will be donating a portion of the proceeds to us as well.  

I feel like lately everyone has been asking about how things are going, even people I don't know. Every day I am amazed at how many people really do care.

Cady's birthday was today. She is 7 years old. We can't believe how fast she has grown. I haven't posted much because things have been going pretty well. One thing that raises a major concern is some numbness she is experiencing in both hands. I am not sure about this as she has her own way of describing things. She usually uses words like "fizzy" or, more recently, "crumbled" as descriptive words. She can move them, but she can't feel them. Her teacher has noticed a significant decline in her motor skills since the last incident. So have we. Time to call the neurologist again.

It's hard to stay optimistic. She has good days, and this was one of them. They were so tired and happy when they went to bed it made my heart hurt. I'm glad to be able to share these as well as the bad ones with my family. It reminds me of how fleeting and fragile it is to be human. Blink and it's over. "DON'T BLINK" as fellow Whovians(Wholigans?)would say.

Anyway tomorrow I have to work, and tomorrow night is the spaghetti supper benefit. Should be fun. The amount of people might trigger a panic attack, but I should be fine. The girls will be just fine too. Everything is cool. Good night.

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