Tuesday, April 9, 2019

What's New?

I have not posted in ages. It feels strange to sit here and stare at the cursor blinking on the blank page.  I just have to post this today, because we've got the best news. I have been crying tears of joy for at least an hour now. 

This morning I attended  an IEP meeting at the school. It's an annual meeting concerning her status in both PT and OT. I am happy to announce that she has not only met, but exceeded many of the therapy goals that they have laid out for her this year. Due to such improvement, her team has decided to greatly reduce the time spent each week in these programs. It will also be on a consult basis, meaning that she can pick it up again at any time should any problems arise. 

I am beside myself. This time last year, we had no idea what was going to happen. We didn't think we'd ever leave that hospital. I've never been that scared in my whole life, and I'm literally afraid of everything. My heart is pounding and its hard to put my emotions into words.

Last month we took the girls to Disney World and had a total blast! Cady had been stressing out about the plane ride since they've never been on one. Since we told them on Christmas that we'd be going in March she had plenty of time to freak out about it. I told her if she wanted to go she's getting on a plane.  A few minutes after takeoff, she asked her sister to open the visor on the window so she could see too! Of course, Addy was practically hanging out the window the whole time. Considering the plane felt like it was made out of Legos, it was a surprisingly easy flight. They did great.

The first day was rough and her legs got tired really fast. We didn't schedule anything that day on purpose because we knew traveling would be enough of an emotional rollercoaster, so we didn't need to be on a real one. We studied up on stroller and wheelchair rentals and were fully prepared to use them, but we didn't need them at all. She limped and swung her leg out a lot the day we did Magic Kingdom and it cleared up after she had a good nights sleep. She kept going like a boss. 

We purposely left a day open to chill by the pool and do nothing. The last few days were better weather. It was overcast or showery earlier in the week, which was nice because nobody got heat stroke. 

Haunted Mansion was NOT a happy ride for my two scaredy cats! Scared the daylights out of both of them. Oops. My bad. I still love it. Patrick went on Space Mountain and loved it. Maybe next time they can too. I was proud of both of them for being brave and well behaved. Nobody complained about anything. Nobody had a meltdown. We had FastPasses for most of the big rides so we didn't just stand around. We rested and didn't try to cram everything in to the schedule to the brink of disaster. An amazing time was had by all! 

I can't stress enough how pleased I am with the school for all the assistance. The level of compassion these people have shown us is top notch. Everyone has been so supportive it's beautiful. Friends and family have been there every step of the way. I couldn't be more pleased with life right now. 

Gotta go! Thanks for reading.


  1. I'm so happy Erin! We need to get over and see you all soon! Love you!


What's New?

I have not posted in ages. It feels strange to sit here and stare at the cursor blinking on the blank page.  I just have to post this today,...