I suppose I should be happy that things are going so well. The truth is; I'm afraid. It never leaves my mind how dire the situation is. I have nightmares about it. I have panic attacks. Now we have all these other things to deal with through the school like 504 plans and IEP's. We had her evaluated earlier in the year so see if she qualified to receive physical or occupational therapy. She didn't qualify then, but she's being reevaluated now.
If we're denied again, we will obviously seek those services outside of the school system. I need to prepare some kind of document for the school in the event of an emergency so they have her information on hand. We've discussed PTO training so I can be of some help in the classroom. I don't know what I can help with, but I'm more than happy to.
The school has been so helpful and understanding. All the staff is just wonderful. They have taken her into their hearts along with the rest of the family. From her first grade teacher, to the school nurse, to the bus driver. Everyone.
My husband's work and my own have been incredibly understanding as well. He went back to work yesterday, but I took this week off to monitor Cady and be here if anything should occur at school. We live minutes away so I can be there quickly. She has a checkup on Thursday and I need the pediatrician to fax some stuff to the school.
That's all I have for today.
All i can say is God Bless you all i cant even imagine what your family has gone though.